Refund arrangement 

  • If Korea is out of stock, we will WhatsApp to notify and arrange a refund as soon  as possible. 
  • If the items are not out-of-stock, there are non-refundable. 


Replacement rules 

  • All orders cannot be changed colors, styles, and refunds after payment are confirmed.
  • If the customer has serious quality problems after receiving the goods, please contact the after-sales inquiry phone for follow-up (+852 56880218).



  • 如果韓國斷貨後會電話whatsapp通知及盡快安排退款
  • 非斷貨貨品一律不可退款



  • 所有訂單確認付款後一律不可更換顏色,款式及退款
  • 若客人收貨後有嚴重品質問題可聯絡售後查詢電話再作跟進(+852 56880218)